Here is Pastor Richardson wearing the yoke in a service. The yoke is a natural example used to explain the saved and unsaved alike, how the enemy has us bound by sin.
God gifted him with the ability to teach using illustrative sermons. It brings the word to life for the people. This unique tool is apart of arsenal against the devil. God gave him the design for this yoke. It is to be worn while out in the evangelism field to give people a visual of how they look spiritually when they aren't saved.
The message promotes that the best alternative that there is liberty in Jesus Christ.
Don't be a slave to sin, let Jesus in your heart.
The Final Harvest Ministries, Inc. Jonathan Richardson, Senior Pastor Contact Us Tithes & Offering
1200 Alleghany St. Charlotte, NC 28208 704.399.6353 Fax 909.583.9398