Community Feeding- The ministry provides free hot meals each Saturday to the community . It is a time to meet the citizens of the community , find out the needs, and fellowship.
Evangelism- We go out into the highways and hedges to compel the people to come into the household of faith. We sometimes use a unique tool to demonstrate to people that without Christ they are a slave to sin. God gave Pastor Richardson the design for a yoke that he wears in the evangelism field so that he can effectively minister to the people and draw them into the kingdom. There is a DVD sermon available concerning the yoke.
Widow's Corner - We provide monthly support to a widow in California who lost her husband about 12 years ago. She is a godly woman and a prayer warrior.
Van Ministry - We have transportation available to pick-up for our Tuesday night Bible study and Sunday morning worship service. Please call ahead to schedule a pick-up time, 704-499-2424.
Halfway House/Transitional Ministry - We are currently ministering in transitional housing facilities comprised of women that are transitioning from a prison settling back into our community. We preach destiny, growth, relationship, and enhancement.
Convalescent - We preach the gospel to them on the 1st Sunday every month. We pray for healing of those that are in wheelchairs, have debilitated minds, and other health challenges.
Marriage and Family Enhancement - please see our affiliate link Family Life Institute.
Transition House- This will be a house for men who are transitioning into their destiny. It will be a home to men who are looking to make their lives better and grow in their relationship with Christ.
Autism Ministry- As parents of an autistic child, we are endeavoring to build advocacy programs and family support systems for those who are dealing with the challenges of a family member with autism. These programs will help them realize through God all things are possible.
The Final Harvest Ministries, Inc. Jonathan Richardson, Senior Pastor Contact Us Tithes & Offering
1200 Alleghany St. Charlotte, NC 28208 704.494.9568 Fax 909.583.9398